Gareth Wilson

Liberal Democrat Campaigner for Haddenham & Aldreth Learn more

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BUT they try again
A controversial move to allow the 5,000 home Mereham new town to rise from the ashes has been attacked by Local Liberal Democrats.
A new bid for Mereham should never have been accepted by the East of England Regional Assembly. Tory county councillor John Reynolds claimed that “it might be a completely different project to the one that was rejected before.”
Liberal Democrat leader Cllr Gareth Wilson said: “This is completely naïve. Even Hazel Blears said ‘No to Mereham’. What is it about the word ‘No’ that Cllr Reynolds does not understand?“
East Cambridgeshire taxpayers are still counting the cost of the Mereham fight which left the district with a £250,000 bill which it cannot claim back from the developer.“We have proved to the Government that Mereham is totally unacceptable and now, just two months after the appeal victory, we appear to be back to square one.“The Regional Assembly should never have accepted the submission of Mereham as a ‘new’ proposal as the definition clearly excludes proposals that ‘have previously been deemed by the Secretary of State to be inappropriate locations’

Ely Market StallGareth points out where Mereham would be

Hazel Blears says NO to Mereham

Mereham has been turned down by Hazel Blears. She agreed with her Inspector that Mereham would have a harmful impact on the ladscape. It was in conflict with relevant policies and would cause increased traffic on the A10,detrimental to the existing communities.

5 March 2008


Thank you to all of you who put up “Say No to Mereham” posters in your window or on billboards in your garden. Thank you to all the hundreds of you who wrote letters in protest. Thank you to all of you who manned stalls in Ely market or the Steam Rally to collect signatures for the petition. Thank you to the thousands of you who signed the petition to say No to Mereham. Thank you to those of you who braved the cold to wave banners outside the Arkenstall Centre every morning and evening of those seven weeks. Thank you to all the organisations that use the Arkenstall rooms and were willingly inconvenienced by the weeks of Public Inquiry, to make sure it happened locally. Thank you to those who researched the details of the thousands of pages of evidence to present the best possible case. Thank you to those 75 of you who spoke at the Public Inquiry. Thank you to those who came and sat through the seven weeks of the inquiry to show how we all thought. Thank you to those who donated the money to pay for the posters and tee shirts. Thank you to those who delivered leaflets or knocked on doors to tell people about Mereham and collect support. Thank you to all of you who spoke to neighbours and friends to tell them about the awful effect of a Mereham on our doorstep.
This was a community effort, a community campaign and it was the whole community that clearly said NO TO MEREHAM.

24 November 2007

Mereham raises its ugly head
Developer Multiplex Stannifer has appealed against the planning decisions of East Cambs. District Council and South Cambs. District Council to reject the proposed Mereham development and associated changes to the A10. The Public Inquiry has already lasted 6 weeks. Because Multiplex Stannifer have again changed their plans for the A10, the Inspector ordered re-advertising of the plans so that the public could be invited to comment before 6th December on the latest proposals. We need as many people as possible to tell the Inspector what they think about these latest plans for the A10 which are an integral part of the proposal by this Australian development company build a town as big as Ely between Stretham and Wilburton. Please write to the Inspector to tell him what you think of the latest A10 plans, how they will affect you, how they will affect the flow of traffic on the A10, how they will affect the adjoining properties and surrounding countryside and whether you believe these proposals are an improvement or a retrograde step. Please come to the now extended Inquiry in December (17th to 20th) to register your feelings, even if you don’t speak.

This affects you – make sure you have your say

Mereham Summary
The proposed location of the Mereham Development is south of the A1123, west of the A10, east of the Twentypence Road and north of the Great Ouse between Stretham and Wilburton.
The outline planning application was for a new settlement comprising 5,000 (now increased to 5,100) homes, up to 8,000 sq. metres of retail and related uses and up to approx. 45,000 sq. metres for employment & supporting leisure, community and education uses; and infrastructure including highway works to the A10.
East Cambridgeshire District Council refused planning permission for the Mereham development on 4th January 2006. South Cambridgeshire has withheld planning permission for the associated changes to the A10

Mereham Campaign
An independent campaign group called “Say No To Mereham” has been formed to fight the Multiplex appeal at the Public Inquiry. It is funded by donation and donations cheques payable to “Say No To Mereham” should be forwarded to Julie Parr at 33 Station Road, Haddenham, or to Gareth Wilson at 2 Station Road, Haddenham. Seventy three people have spoken against the plans at the Public Inquiry. Each of the developer’s witnesses has been questioned by one or more of our local experts as well as the Councils’ . A petition has been produced and presented to the Inspector with 7,846 signatures. However we intend to continue collecting signatures to add to those already handed into the Inspector until he reports to the Secretary of State in the Spring. We need to show Hazel Blears the overwhelming feeling of the people who live in this area. If you have not yet signed you can do so online or at post offices and local shops

Town And Country Planning Act 1990. Appeal by Stannifer Developments Ltd.
Proposed highway improvements to A10 between A14 Milton Junction and River Great Ouse, in the parishes of Milton, Landbeach and Waterbeach.
Further drawings are to be considered as part of this appeal. These include the introduction of bus lanes and bus priority measures on the A10; a right turn ban from the A10 southbound to Green End, Landbeach; and other cycleway/footway improvements.
Members of the public may inspect copies of the drawings at Development Services, South Cambridgeshire District Council, Cambourne Business Park, Cambourne, Cambridge, CB23 6EA, at the Planning Department, East Cambrdigeshire District Council, The Grange, Nutholt Lane, Ely, Cambridge, CB7 4PL and the Haddenham Library, Station Road, Haddenham, Cambridge CB6 3XD during normal library hours.
Anyone who wishes to make representations about the proposals should do so in writing within 14 days of the date of this notice. (dated 22 November 2007)
Please quote the reference APP/W0530/A/06/2014216 and send to the following address: Persona Associates Ltd, West Point, Springfield Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 2PD. Email:

Original changes to widen carriageway to 10mtrs from new roundabout at Stretham to Denny End Junction retained. No right turn at Green End introduced. New southbound bus lane introduced about 1200m north of Denny End traffic lights to allow bus priority when lights re-phased to hold up other traffic. Change calculated to establish a 193 car queue each morning north of Denny End. The purpose of this is to filter traffic south at an acceptable rate onto the A14 junction at Milton and to ‘encourage’ car drivers to use the bus. Another anticipated effect of this will be a 61% increase in traffic on the B1049 and a 47% increase on the A1123. Traffic lights at Slap-up junction. Existing carriage way width to be retained from Denny End to Ely Road Milton. At Ely Road Milton, left-hand filter into Milton for buses only. Traffic lights to let north-bound buses out of Milton. Bus lane introduced just north of Landbeach junction up to Milton A14 roundabout. Carriageway widening north and south next to bus lane. New foot bridge at Butt Lane. Traffic lights at Cambridge Road (Milton) junction with A14 roundabout and traffic lights at roundabout by Tesco entrance Cambridge Road Milton.

The following is a suggested format for a Letter of Objection to the latest A10 Plans.
nn November 2007
(REF. APP/W0530/A/06/2014216)
Dear Sir,

I have examined the latest proposed changes to the A10 arising from the proposed Mereham development.
These plans will affect my property as follows:
I object to the changes listed above which directly affect my property.
Contrary to Multiplex Stannifer’s predictions, these proposals together with the additional traffic from the Mereham development will cause unacceptable additional traffic hold-ups on the A10, particularly at the actual peak hours of 07.00-08.30hrs and 16.30 -18.00hrs. I do not believe there will be sufficient bus ridership from Mereham to Cambridge to negate the traffic effects of the increased number of people travelling to and from Cambridge.
I believe that the proposals will lead to an increased accident rate on the A10, particularly accidents caused by ill-judged overtaking and driver frustration.
The transfer of traffic to alternative routes, the A1123 and the B1049 will cause inacceptable traffic levels on those roads with significant reduction in the quality of life in those villages that they pass through and significant increase in the accident rates on those roads, particularly the B1049 which already has a relatively high accident rate.
Replacement of the Jane Coston cycle and foot bridge at Milton with a combined bus, cycle and foot bridge will reduce safety for pedestrians and cyclists and make the bridge impossible to use for wheelchair users.

Yours faithfully,

If you would like electronic copies of this document, further information or advice contact the Say No To Mereham Group:
Cllr Gareth Wilson Tel: 01353 740617 Email:
Julie Parr Tel: 01353 741380 Email:

26 July 2007

Mereham raises its ugly head
Developer Multiplex Stannifer has appealed against the East Cambs planning decision to reject the Mereham development. There will be a public enquiry on October 9th The inspectors tell us that the public inquiry is likely to last for 6 weeks. We need as many people as possible to tell the Inspector why they think it would be a bad idea to let this Australian development company build a town as big as Ely between Stretham and Wilburton. Please come even if you don’t speak.

Mereham details
The proposed location of the Mereham Development is south of the A1123, west of the A10, east of the Twentypence Road and north of the Great Ouse between Stretham and Wilburton.
The outline planning application was for a new settlement comprising up to 5,000 homes, up to 8,000 sq.metres of retail and related uses and up to approx. 45,000 sq.metres for employment & supporting leisure, community and education uses; and infrastructure including highway works to the A10.
East Cambridgeshire District Council refused planning permission for the Mereham development on 4th January 2006

A campaign group called “Say No To Mereham” has been formed to fight the Multiplex appeal at the public enquiry.
Donations can be made, with cheques payable to “Say No To Mereham” which should be forwarded to Julie Parr at 33 Station Road, Haddenham, or to Gareth Wilson at 2 Station Road, Haddenham.
We have purchased some large “Say No To Mereham” posters and if you have a prominent site and would like to display one please contact Julie Parr.
Register to have your say
The inquiry regarding the proposed Mereham Development is taking place at the Arkenstall Centre in Haddenham starting at 10.00 am on Tuesday the 9th October 2007.
If you wish to speak at the inquiry then you need to attend on the first day – 9th October – and inform the Planning Inspector or programme officer who will be giving out time slots during the inquiry.
However you can register in advance by emailing Lynette Duncan (Programme officer) at Persona Associates at ref number APP / V0510 / A / 2014221 / NWF or preferably complete her application form (copies can be obtained from the Library or from the Focus Team (above)) and send to her at Persona Associates, West Point, Springfield Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 2PD. Or obtain electronically from
Everyone from individuals, companies and Parish Councils have the right to speak at the inquiry to put forward relevant planning objections. There will probably be two evening sessions, from 6.30 to 9.30 for those who work and can’t take time off. (The normal sitting times are 9.00 to 5.00 Tuesday to Friday)

After hearing all the evidence, the Planning Inspector will write a report for the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. He will make a decision based on the evidence and the report and decision will be published sometime in the Spring of 2008.

26 May 2007

Mereham raises its ugly head
Developer Multiplex Stannifer has now asked for their appeal against the East Cambs planning decision to be held in October. We have arranged for it to be held in the Arkenstall Centre in Haddenham, so that everyone who wants to have their say will be able to come. The inspectors tell us that the public inquiry is likely to last for 6 weeks.

In a few weeks the Regional Spatial Strategy will be published by the Government. Hopefully if Government Ministers back their own inspectors, then the developers should withdraw their damaging plans to build a new town between Wilburton and Stretham. If they don’t we will need as many people as possible to attend the inquiry and demand that these plans are scrapped.

We will keep you informed when the public enquiry takes place.

8 October 2006
Developer Multiplex Stannifer has asked for a further delay.
With Government Inspectors rejecting their call to amend the Regional Plan they have asked for their appeal against the East Cambs planning decision to be postponed until the Regional Spatial Strategy is published by the Government.
Hopefully if Government Ministers back their own inspectors, then the developers will withdraw their damaging plans to build a new town between Wilburton and Stretham.

21 July 2006
Mereham plans rejected… but developers
appeal to Government Inspector
The Focus team would like to thank all those who wrote to the Planning Department criticising the awful plan to build a new town the size of Ely on fields between Stretham and Wilburton.
The Planning Committee rejected the proposal but have appealed to the Government Inspectors who will hold a public enquiry in February 2007.
Liberal Democrats want the inquiry tobe held in the Arkenstall Centre instead of Ely, so the inspectors can see the countryside the developers want to destroy.
This will make it easier for local people to attend the inquiry.

Conservatives on the District Council have bowed to enormous public protest and scrapped their plans to build 50 new car parking spaces on an ancient orchard in the meadows surrounding Ely Cathedral.
Lib Dem Group Leader Gareth Wilson said “We are extremely relieved that the Conservatives have finally dropped these destructive plans.”
Cllr Ian Allen, Chair of the Environment and Transport Committee said “The Liberal Democrats are committed to solving Ely’s parking and transport problems but this cannot be achieved at the cost of Ely’s historic green space.”
Liberal Democrat councillors opposed the plans
from the start but until now the Tories were determined to force their plans through

15 April 2006
Mereham rejected

Thanks to all of you who wrote to East Cambs Planning Department and to the Regional Planners criticising the awful plan to build a new town about the size of Ely on the fields between Stretham and Wilburton. This was rejected by East Cambs and received no support at the Regional Spatial Strategy Examination in Public of the East of England Regional Plan.
Luckily Gareth & Pauline just happened to meet the Ladson family at the exhibition put on by the developers and publicised by our Focus to every house in Stretham and Wilburton. When we discovered that they were totally opposed to the scheme and owned farmland right in the middle of the site, we were able to prove that the developers were telling lies when they claimed that they could develop all the land quickly to provide housing.

The planning committee with just one Conservative abstention voted to throw out the Mereham development.

It will now go to Government Inspectors but with such overwhelming opposition we hope that it will soon be finally clear to Multiplex Stanifer that no one wants their scheme.

5 November 2005 

Developers are planning to build a new town on our doorstep

Plans include 5,000 new houses with space for another 2,500 on agricultural land between Stretham and Wilburton. (In fact all the land between Stretham and Wilburton.) They have spent an enormous amount of money on the scheme and submitted thousands of pages of detailed statistics and full colour maps and charts to try to obtain planning permission from East Cambs District Council.  However this is not their real objective.  They know that their scheme breaks all the rules that District Council Planning Officers would follow.  They are really aiming to get this scheme agreed by the inquiry into the RSS or Regional Spatial Strategy plan for the East of England.  If it were to be agreed by these Central Government Inspectors then there would be little that Councillors and Officers at East Cambs District Council could do to stop it. The developer – Multiplex Stannifer – are proposing to build this new town with 3 primary schools and a secondary school, shops and business units and a new bus service.  They are even proposing to slightly widen the A10 and put traffic calming in Milton. They can afford this if they can sell the houses for about one thousand million pounds (£1,000,000,000.) But how many cars will 5,000 (or 7,500) families have? And will they all want to use the bus?  And the bus will be stuck in the same traffic jams, as the rest of us will be, with thousands of extra cars driving down the A10 or Twentypence Road, trying to get into Cambridge or onto the A14. This new town will be as big as Ely, but without the facilities, without the station, and right on our doorstep. If you want to see the full plans we have made them available to everyone in Haddenham library. The developer is holding exhibitions in Stretham & Wilburton see over for details What do you think?  Please let us know your views.  Will it affect you?  Do you have to drive to Cambridge down the A10 or Twentypence Road? We will make your views known to the Parish Council and to East Cambs Planning Committee. To be effective your views must go to the inspectors. The best way is a large number of individual letters. Don’t leave it to your neighbours. Write today to the inspectors,