Gareth Wilson

Liberal Democrat Campaigner for Haddenham & Aldreth Learn more

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About Gareth Wilson

Cllr Gareth Wilson has been chosen as the Liberal Democrat candidate to represent the Haddenham Ward on East Cambs District Council.
I live in the ward and am very involved in village life. I am a  Parish Councillor and was District Councillor for this ward for 12 years, Treasurer of the Arkenstall Centre, Treasurer & Deacon of the Baptist Church, Treasurer of the Recreation Centre charity, founder member of Speedwatch in East Cambs and keen supporter of Roadwatch.

Having been the Finance Spokesperson for the Liberal Democrats on East Cambs District Council for the last ten years I know from practical experience of the problems and watching Conservative inefficiency,what could be done to improve our District Council and make it better and more efficient. As a qualified Chartered Accountant for 50 years, I know a thing or two about value for money.
If you elect me as your District Councillor on May 2nd, I will continue to fight for restricting lorries driving through our villages, for better public transport, for improved recycling facilities and more facilities for youngsters.
I keep in touch all year round, not just at election time.