Devastating news tonight – the death of former Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown.
Paddy with Gareth and Pauline on his visit to Ely
As Vince Cable has said:
Our thoughts are with Jane and Paddy’s family this evening.
This is a hugely sad day for the Liberal Democrats and for the very many people across political and public life who had immense affection and respect for Paddy.
He took up unpopular causes where he was respected for his convictions, in particular promoting the rights of the citizens of Hong Kong, and – later – military intervention in Kosovo. He was famous for his politics, but his talents extended well beyond that arena. He was an accomplished author, and had spent many years serving the country before he got near the House of Commons.
Few people know how hard he fought to get into politics following his service in the marines and diplomatic service. He exercised every ounce of his considerable personal stamina to win the Yeovil seat.
Awful news, only ameliorated a little by all the wonderful memories of what he achieved, what he inspired in others and what he fought for.
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