Liberal Democrat Campaigner for Haddenham & Aldreth Learn more
by Gareth Wilson on 30 April, 2015
1 SANDRA, GARETH AND PAULINE live in Haddenham, and will continue to help local people using our knowledge and experience to get things done.
2 Gareth and Pauline fought to keep a Dial a Ride service, now called ESACT; stopped a traveller’s site being built in Hod Hall Lane close to residents; and continue to fight against Gladmans over-running our villages with massive developments, with no infrastructure. Sandra organised a petition to save our local bus service. Gareth continues to raise money for local play areas. Pauline will continue to help the many local residents who come to her with all sorts of problems.
3 Tory-controlled East Cambridgeshire say they care about residents, but they do not. They stopped funding Ely & Soham Dial a Ride five years ago. The Tory-controlled County Council threatened to cut off all sources of funds to Dial a Ride including its contribution to the bus passes, to the point where it was beyond recovery and has now closed. After mounting pressure from Pauline, East Cambs District Council has made a token gesture towards the new Community Transport (ESACT), but more needs to be done.
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