Gareth Wilson

Liberal Democrat Campaigner for Haddenham & Aldreth Learn more

Volunteers have been out on the streets checking up on speeding traffic.

by Gareth Wilson on 27 April, 2009

At the Haddenham Annual Parish meeting last Wednesday, Inspector Alan Savill demonstrated the Speedwatch equipment and explained that the purpose of using it was to educate motorists to slow down, when driving through villages.

He said that it had already been successful in reducing speeds and in showing the police where and at what time of day there was a particular speeding problem.

He introduced Gareth Wilson as the West Area Speedwatch Coordinator

Gareth Wilson said, “Local people are always complaining to me about cars and lorries speeding through our villages. Now we can take some action to stop this. Several people have contacted me recently offering to become volunteers to help with the Speedwatch. If you would like to help please contact me:-
Cllr Gareth Wilson, West Area Speedwatch Coordinator, 2 Station Road, Haddenham, Cambs, CB6 3XD, or by email on

The West Neighbourhood Panel (includes the area from Sutton to Stretham and Little Downham to Haddenham) has purchased “Speedwatch” equipment with the help of grants from the police and county.

The Speedwatch equipment      Gareth at Speedwatch Training

Following police training, volunteers from our villages have been using the Speedwatch equipment to check on dangerous roads in their area. So far we have had checks in Witchford, Wentworth and Witcham.

450 vehicles were recorded and over 16% were going faster than 37 mph on these 30mph roads. That is 73 vehicles recorded speeding through our villages in just four sessions. One was recorded at 50mph.

These records are sent to the police and the car owner will be sent a warning letter, (hand delivered by a police officer if the speed was very high.) If a speeding black spot is noted, then the police will go out with the official speed guns and then speeders will be prosecuted.

However, to cover all our villages we need more volunteers.

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