Gareth Wilson

Liberal Democrat Campaigner for Haddenham & Aldreth Learn more

Coalition Message

by Gareth Wilson on 5 October, 2010

Labour left a legacy of debt and failure
People should feel let down
We need to fix Britain’s economy
Things are going to be tough
The Lib Dems are delivering for Britain
We can be proud of the difference we are making

What Labour won’t tell you
Labour planned cuts of 20% to every Government Department with no exceptions
That includes NHS spending and overseas development –the Coalition will increase these budgets each year
That includes education –the Coalition is also protecting education

Labour’s legacy of debt & failure
More people in poverty –gap between rich and poor grew
NHS failing despite record investment
Billions wasted –NHS computer system that didn’t work, job schemes that didn’t create jobs, endless quangosthatachieved little.
A culture of Government interference and control in almost every walk of life
Labour and their friends are opposing every saving –even the ones they themselves planned to make

Economy needs fixing
Alistair Darling knew it, but that hasn’t stopped Labour opposing every cut since the election
Britain was hurtling towards bankruptcy –Greek style debt crisis
£22,400 of debt for every man, woman and child –interest payments alone up to £70 billion a year
Tony Blair backs the Coalition on the deficit

Fixing the economy
Stopping Labour’s waste
Making the rich pay their fair share –capital gains tax up
Helping the poorest -fairer taxes, £2billion tax credit, pensions earnings link
Putting nation’s finances inorder so we can afford the services we want in future

Delivering for Britain
At the election, our four main pledges were –
Fairer taxes
Pupil premium
A new green economy
Clean up politics
We are delivering on all 4 pledges –would not happen without us being in Government

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