Gareth Wilson

Liberal Democrat Campaigner for Haddenham & Aldreth Learn more

Latest News on Hod Hall Lane

by Gareth Wilson on 3 June, 2009


Change of use to Travellers Site
The planning application for a change of use from builders yard and offices to a traveller’s site with one pitch comprising three mobile homes and one utility block at Hod Hall Lane, Haddenham comes to East Cambs Planning Committee on Wednesday 10th June 2009 at 2.00p.m.

The officer’s report states that

“Whilst the description of the application suggests that the number of pitches has been reduced to one it is considered that the proposal in fact comprises three separate pitches. This view is based not only on the information provided in the Design and Access Statement and subsequent correspondence with the applicant’s agent but also the plans.
In light of this, the proposal does not overcome the previous reason refusal of application 08/00965/FUL as there is no proven need for this number of pitches. As this site is located in the countryside, where development is not normally allowed need is a key consideration, and the lack of need means that there is no justification for the proposed development.
For this reason, it is recommended that the application is REFUSED.”

In addition 42 local residents have written in and their reasons are summarised but their letters are available to the Planning Committee. The Parish Council ‘s long and carefully constructed list of reasons for refusal is printed in full as is the letter from Councillor Pauline Wilson which explains why she is against the proposal and thinks it should be refused. These include the well known problems of drainage and access as well as the size of the utility building and the retention of the existing building.

I will publish the Planning Committee’s decision on this web site.

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