Gareth Wilson

Liberal Democrat Campaigner for Haddenham & Aldreth Learn more

Footpath to Aldreth from Haddenham

by Gareth Wilson on 27 September, 2008

Footpath to Aldreth

The Parish Council received a presentation from the Northstowe. They spoke of a footpath as far as Aldreth. Surely a further footpath to Haddenham would be better?

They were interested and have started to investigate providing a footpath and cycle track between Aldreth and Haddenham. They are looking to restore the portion that used to exist and to provide a new path for the remaining length.

The Parish Road Safety has been trying for several years to get a footpath but have been put off by County officials because it was too expensive. Perhaps we will now get a path. This will be of great benefit for Aldreth as walking or even cycling on the road can be dangerous with passing fast traffic and large vehicles.

We will let you know of progress.

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